This was by far the easiest challenge yet. I share my favourite songs with all of you so much, that I've finally decided to make these kinds of posts a monthly thing. So what better way to start it off than with the 2014 Blogger Challenge?
Here's what I plan to do. I find new music pretty much every week. I'll have to admit that not all music I find automatically makes it to my favourites list, but my main goal with these so called 'mixtapes' is to help all of you find a song that you love. So even if I don't swoon every time the song comes up on shuffle, if it has potential, I'll probably be posting it.
I don't yet have a solid way of making a playlist... For now, I'm going to be sharing my songs of the month using SoundCloud. Unfortunately, not all songs are on SoundCloud, so I did have to include some YouTube videos as well. If you guys know an easier way to share songs, please let me know what it is in the comments!
1. She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer
Okay, I have to admit that regardless of what I just wrote above, this song does actually make me swoon. 5 Seconds of Summer is an amazing Australian band you all have to check out. They write their own songs, manage their own label and remain 100% true to who they are, and they're crazy ;)
2. Old Shoes by Adam Barnes
If you love Ed Sheeran, Adam Barnes is definitely going to be another artist you'll love. He's also extremely underrated so be sure to go over and check out his YouTube channel!
3. The City by The 1975
There's just something about The 1975 that makes them so unique. Side note: If you can understand everything they're saying without searching up the lyrics, you're my hero.
4. Melted by Akdong Musician
Not only is this song amazing, but the music video is beautiful as well. Ever since taking tech in grade ten, I've had a huge interest in filmmaking, and this is the most well done music video I have ever watched. The beauty of this video is that even though you don't necessarily understand the language they're singing in, the video tells the entire unbelievably heavy and eye-opening message in just a little over five minutes.
Watch the video.
5. Sing by Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran. That is all.
6. Can We Dance by The Vamps
I'm starting to get into the summer mood now that the weather has warmed up a little. Usually, I am the kind of person who listens to soft and serene music, but in the summer, I love to indulge myself in some plain and classical upbeat songs. The Vamps are insanely talented and be warned that if you search up their ages, you might experience a sudden overwhelming feeling of failure haha...
7. Don't Wanna Be Your Girl by Wet
Troye Sivan did a cover of this song in one of his recent videos. My sister and I loved the cover so much that we had to immediately search up the song and download it. This is one of the serene, yet intense songs that I usually like to listen to.
8. Sight of the Sun by fun.
I still cannot get over my fun. concert experience. Their style is like no other and their endless energy is incredible. This song is slightly different from their hits, but then again, most of their songs are completely different in terms of sound.
9. Forget About You by R5
Another perfect summer song. To be completely honest, I'm not really familiar with this band... am I getting old? I'm only in high school... Anyways, I heard this in one of Bethany Mota's old videos and just thought that it was a perfectly refreshing song for relaxing in the summertime.
10. Young Homie by Chris Rene
I randomly stumbled upon this song a few months ago. At first, I bulked at the title and didn't want to listen to it. Surprisingly enough, this song carries such a great message regarding today's society. Give it a listen and don't judge a song by its title like I did...
So there we have it! I hope you were able to discover some new songs along with this post and I'll see you soon. :)
What are your favourite songs of the month?
Did you like the format of the post? If not, what can I do better? :)